Our wineries
Currently, we have awarded the Sysli na Vinici trademark to 16 wineries in Velké Pavlovice, four in Hnanice and one in Miroslav.
Below you can find more information about these wineries and links to their websites where you can buy their wine, supporting the research and protection of sousliks.
If you are interested in applying for a trademark for your winery, please get in contact with us.
Víno Perk is a winery of Miroslav, in the Znojmo district. Sousliks have spread to the vineyards from a colony in the local, isolated airport. Víno Perk has been awarded a mark since 2018. It‘s two areas of operation, Weinperk and Vinohradu, both have colonies of sousliks.
Velké Pavlovice:
Šlechtitelská stanice vinařská Velké Pavlovice a.s.
Vinařství Mezi Horami
rodinné vinařství Buchtovi
Rodinné vinařství Suský
Víno Zborovský
- Cabernet Moravia 2015
- Cabernet Moravia Rosé 2015
Rodinné vinařství Krejčiřík
Vinařství Mikulica
- Pálava p.s.
- Aurelius p.s.
- Pinot Noir
- Blauer Portugieser
Vinařství Baloun
A large, family run winery from Velké Bílovice. Their vineyard in Velké Pavlovice is home to a souslik colony. Sysli na vinici wine from this winery can be purchased on their e-shop or ordered by email on their website.
Wine awarded with the Sysli na vinci trademark can be found here: Moravian muscat - cabinet wine
Traditional, family run wine company from Velké Pavlovice. All of their wines mature in vineyards home to sousliks. Their vineyards are in Staré Hory, Bojanovsko, Lizniperky and Nové hory and they produce varieties such as Grüner Veltliner, Moravian Muscat, Silvaner, André, Pinot Noir and St. Laurent.
Vinařství V & M Zborovský, v.o.s.
Rodinné vinařství Helena
Vinařství Halm
- Moravian muscat
- St. Laurent
- Pinot Grigio
- Blaufränkisch
- Sauvignon
- Blauer Portugieser
- Riesling
Vlastimil Řádek
Vinařství Lacina
Vinařství Reichman & Reichman
Vinařství Špetíci
- Sauvignon
- Riesling
- Grüner Veltliner
- Pinot Noir
Vinařství Schwarz
- Sauvignon
- Děvín
- Riesling
Josef Kořínek
- Moravian Muscat
- Riesling
- Grüner Veltliner
Vinný sklep U hafana
- Grüner Veltliner
- Riesling
- Pinot Grigio
- Moravian Cabernet
- St. Laurent
- Pinot Noir